

A Night in Seattle. A Day at ECCC

I can never publish a post at the right time. Always late. And be prepared, this will be a long one...

Well, on March 30th, my sisters and I took a little drive up to Seattle for the night. I've been to Seattle countless times, always with my mom though, so I thought I knew all the roads. Well I was mistaken. We weren't horrible, just wandered around a bit. We were fortunate that the weather took a break and the sun came out, with the exception of the bitter, cold wind. Nevertheless, we had a great night and even figured out new roads...some to never go back down again. 

The next day was the Emerald City Comicon, which was the whole reason for us going up to Seattle. It was my twin sister, Katie and I's first time ever at a comicon, unlike my older sister, Amanda. My main reason to go was to see James and Oliver Phelps from Harry Potter and Adam Baldwin from Chuck and Firefly...and I did just that. We lined up early for the twins and waited..and waited. I did get a little giddy seeing them, of course, because I had watched them growing up in Harry Potter. And before the Con, I accepted the fact that I would never meet an actor from the Potter series. Once they came out, it was just a matter of time before we would meet them. When our time came, I thought I wouldn't be able to speak. We introduced ourselves, they asked where we were from. Then Katie mentioned we were twins and so we spoke to them about our age differences. Katie being 12 minutes older than me and Oliver 13 minutes older than James. We had them sign our Marauder's Map, and before I knew it, we were walking away from the table. They were so nice and humble. Loads of respect for them. An hour later, we got a photo with them. The ultimate twin photo with the Weasleys. No big deal. All I can say is that I am BEYOND happy and grateful that I was able to meet them, and I would definitely be more than willing to see them again...I still feel like this was all my imagination.. 

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